Azincourt by Benard Cornwell -book review

Mr Cornwell is as usual on form, when it comes to historical novels Bernard Cornwell is absolutely at the top of his game, seemingly churning out novel after novel of brilliantly researched historical novels that literally takes the reader and places him in the centre of various historical events. This time we are at the battle of Agincourt with long bowmen Nick Hook (another typically lovable rouge) stumbling about in the muddy battlefields of medieval France. Cornwells narrative and attention to detail is spot on both on and off the battle field and brings to life the six hundred year old battle as if Cornwell was an eyewitness, present on the sidelines taking notes in his jotter. The historical context is also supremely well researched with the narrative starting with the persecution of lollards in England. As always I highly recommend this novel or any novel by Bernard Cornwall who is a truly masterful storyteller.


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