“Broken Britain’s battle of Hatings” what a load of hack bullshit.

Last week the Sun ran an article on the recent tragic killing of 16-year-old Mohammed Al Majed, a Qatari foreign language student in Hastings. I don’t usually bother to read the Sun as I prefer to source a cheaper and softer quality of toilet paper, however they made the effort to write a full page article slagging off my town so it was inevitably bought to my attention. I just wanted to congratulate Anila Baig on some truly top quality journalism! I mean why bother to get on a train from London just to hang around outside a games arcade an interview a couple of local chav’s who predictably spout the kind of xenophobic rubbish you would expect from people whose main occupation of their time is loitering around the arcades. In fact I guess you used that location because you knew that was exactly the kind of response that you would get, it is clear from your article that you have made every effort to paint Hastings in the worst light possible, as a decaying seaside resort with no prospects full of uncaring racist yobs, unmoved by Mohammed’s death. At no point in your article have you made any attempt to mention the view of the majority of Hastings citizens who are saddened and disgusted by the death of Mohammed and who love living here. It’s not as if you even bothered to be accurate, the police state that Mohammed’s injuries are not consistent with being kicked in the head, his friend who was with him at the time states that he thought that Mohammed was going to be fine and did not realise how badly injured he was until he started talking gibberish, but yet your article states “A mob of hoodies took turns stamping on his head”.
Is it worth continuing? Is this your idea of balanced reporting or are just that desperate to sensationalise and in turn exploit Mohammed’s tragic death that you don’t really care to write an article based in fact and would rather write a story?
The award for “utterly shit hack journalism of the week” goes to Anila Baig.


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